Monday, May 1, 2017

May Events Announcement!

May 6                 
  • The Firemen’s 5k Run at Richfield Heritage Preserve will be Saturday, May 6th. Registration will begin at 7:30 am and the race will begin at 8:30am. Pre-registration can be completed at for $25 until April 11th. Cost after April 11th is $30. All registered participants 13 and up will receive a race t-shirt and pancake breakfast. The pancake breakfast for non-race participants will be available at 8:30am for $6. There will also be a Chinese Auction beginning at 8:30am, as well as race t-shirts for sale the day of the race.
May 28 & 29
  • The Bath-Richfield Kiwanis Community Pancake Breakfast will be held Memorial Day weekend, Sunday May 28 and Monday, May 29 from 8am-12Noon at Richfield Masonic Hall, 3750 Grant Street, Richfield. Tickets are $7 in advance and $8 at the door. Kids under 9 are free. To purchase advance tickets, please contact any Kiwanis member. Silver dollar pancakes will be available to commemorate the Richfield Jubilee Celebration! 

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